Sunday, February 23, 2014

Universities that Accept Undocumented Students

Here is a list of universities that accept undocumented students:

Freedom University:

Notre Dame University:
In 2013, Notre Dame University announced that it will follow Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) guidelines issued by the Department of Homeland Security to address undocumented applicants.  The university will no longer treat undocumented students as international students. 

New York Universities:

Illinois Universities:

What's Next?
Get comfortable asking for help. Planning for college is not something you do by yourself— it’s really a team effort. But it is up to you to put together your team. That means talking to the adults in your life who can help—from your parent, guardian or other family member to your teacher, school counselor, college coach, and mentors at local community organizations.

Meet Your School Counselor and College Coach

Seek guidance and get answers to your questions. School counselor and your college and career coach are two of your best resources when planning for college. Counselors and college coaches have information about admission tests, college preparation and your education and career options. They are aware of colleges that admit and grant institutional aid to undocumented students.

Take the right classes.

To get into college, start by taking the right classes in high school. Find out what classes you need to meet entrance requirements and sign up for them now. Lock in requirements. You may not need them to finish high school, but most colleges require three to four years of math, English, science and social studies. Plus, most want at least two years of the same foreign language.

Take high school courses that count towards your college degree.

Take the ACT and SAT seriously.

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