Friday, February 14, 2014

How can Parents and Teachers work together?

The experts all say that parents and teachers need to work together to improve the education of the children.  No one would publically speak out against this idea.  It makes a lot of sense for parents to be on the same page with teachers about what their child needs to do outside of the classroom.  Is it enough for parents to know what Johnny or Sally homework is that night?  Is it enough to reduce TV watching and making sure their child reads every night?

Certainly this would be a great start for all parents.  Most parents do not have time for more than that.  A lot of parents don't know how the education process even works and don't know how they can participate.  Education is both a science and an art.  The science of teaching children is complex and important.  In one classroom each student is different, every student learns differently and are at different educational levels.  Factor in if your student does not speak English.  Pretty complicated stuff.  

Should parents leave the education of their children just in the hands of the teachers?  The most effective way to improve the education of your child is to somehow work in partnership with the teacher.  But how?  

1. Talk with the teacher about your child's educational needs.  Every parent has the ability to make a big difference in their child's education.  Doing the basics like reducing TV watching, making sure homework gets done, getting enough sleep is a big help.   

2. Get educated about education.  There are a lot of new ideas about education.  Some ideas are good, others are just fads.  Learn what works and what is not proven. 

3. Get active. There is a big push to do something to improve the education system locally and nationally.  Often parents don't speak out in support or against these ideas.  The problem is these ideas are not being questioned by parents in general.  Politicians , school systems, unions, business leaders are all debating what needs to be done to prepare children for the future.  Parents need to be a part of the discussion . 

The future is bright, help shape it by letting yourself be heard. 

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