Friday, February 7, 2014

8 Ways to Make Your Student a Better Reader

Being able to read well is important in every grade and in every subject.  Many students graduate from high school without reading at their age level.  That will affect their ability to go to college, get a good paying job or enjoying things that are not taught in schools.  Parents can help by making reading a high priority.  Here is a list of things you can do to help your student be a good reader:

  1. Make reading interesting: Find books that are related to their students interests.  If he likes sports then get books about sports.
  2. Start reading from the beginning of birth: Parents should start reading with their children from the very beginning in order to get your child to read on their own eventually. 
  3. Make reading a habit: Set aside time every night (weekdays, weeknights, holidays, every day no exceptions) to read.  
  4. Read with your student: If your student does not see you reading then she won't think reading is important.  Every adult should read with their children.  This should not be left to one adult in the household, it should be a family effort. 
  5. Make reading available: Make sure their are books (real books or ebooks) are around the house.  You can buy books at stores, like used book stores or borrow books from the library for free.  
  6. Have reading activities: At dinner talk about what everyone is reading.  Talking does many things. First it tells your children that reading is important. Second it improves your student's vocabulary. Third it helps your student understand what they are reading by answering questions. 
  7. Read outside the home: Ask teachers about what reading exercises are being done at school and how you can help at home.  When you are outside have your student read signs, read museum displays and at the supermarket read the labels.  
  8. Watch less TV: Reading should not compete with TV watching (and video games). 

Remember, reading is very important for your child's future.  If he or she is a good reader they will do better in school, will be able to understand other subjects like math and science.  And reading is fun, it takes the reader to new worlds, travel back in time or even learn to be a better athlete.

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