Saturday, April 26, 2014

Take a Year Off Before Going to College - Gap Year

Taking time off before you start going to college is becoming more common among high school graduates.  It is more common among European students than students from the United States.  
Students who take time off are living abroad learning a new language, doing an internship, volunteering or working in a potential career job.  There many reasons to take time off.  Here are some reasons you should consider taking a gap year:

Friday, April 25, 2014

What I wish I Knew Then What I Know Now

A lot of people ask, what do know now that you wish you would have known back when you were in High school.  I had to think about that a lot.  I am the first to admit that I made a lot of mistakes in my education career.  For one thing I did not take grade school seriously enough.  I also made every mistake possible when it came to going to college.  But now that I have accomplished a few things in my life, I think I can give some advice.

Let me start by saying what you don't need to know in high school.  You don't need to know what your career will be when you grow up or what you will do with your life.  in reality there is no hurry to decide what you will do with your life at age 16 or 18.  

How to Pick Your College

As the first person to go to college in my family I made a lot of mistakes.  Here are some suggestion that I learned about picking your college:

1. Visit your top two or three college choices before you apply to the school.  You need to visit schools to see if you will be successful in a big school, small school, urban school or a school in the middle of the countryside.  Do you like the environment in the school.

2. There is no alternative for reason number 1.

3. Don't pick a school because the school name is familiar to you.  

4. Research colleges you don't know anything about but have strong program in the area your interested in.  If you are interested in the arts then research strong colleges with strong arts programs.  

5. Don't pick a college because your friend or girlfriend or boyfriend will be going to that college.  You have to pick a school you are going to like.  

6. Don't pick a school or not pick a school because of someone's opinion.  A lot of people don't pick a school because people are told that a school is a "party school" or "hard to get into."   You need to research for yourself. 

7. Don't give up on a school because you think it is an expensive school.  Most schools have scholarships and loans that can help you make it affordable.

8. Deadlines.  Make sure you meet all the deadlines.  There is no option to miss any deadline.  Mark it on a calendar.  You miss a deadline and you may not get into a school or you might have to wait another year.

9. Pick three schools that you have a good chance of being accepted in.  Pick three schools that might be a reach.  Make sure all six of these schools will be places you will be happy attending.  

10. Talk over with your family and mentor or someone you trust when your trying to make a decision of which school offer to accept. 

11. Don't pick your college by looking in the yellow pages.  Don't ask why.  

Is an internship important?

Getting a bachelor's degree is important. But many employers are looking for employees with more than just a degree, they are looking for employees with some relevant job experience.  Often the best way to get experience is to do an intership (more than intership is even better).  Here are three reasons to do an intership:

1. Interships can help you see if your chosen career is what you want to do.  Getting an intership in your chosen career will give you a chance to try out the career.  You can find out if you like the work and see if you have the skills to do the job.

2. Internships make you more competitive.  The competition for entry level jobs is high.  In a global economy you may be competing with job applicants from around the world.  Having work experience through an intership can make you a better candidate.  

3. Internships can get you connected. Most jobs are found through networking. Networking is knowing people, talking to them and asking about jobs.  Networking helps you get known to people looking for future employees.  Employers tend to hire people they know and interships is a great way for employers to get to know you.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Being the First to go to College

I was the first in my family to earn a Bachelor's degree.  I did not have anyone in my family or friends who I can turn to who could give me advise on what to do and not to do.  As an immigrant my parents and I did not really understand how the education system worked.  I felt confused about what to do or where to get help.  
My father and mother came to the United States to build a better life for myself, my brother and sisters.  They both worked hard in a foreign country, learning the language and trying to help in our education as best they could.  Like a well built house is built on a solid foundation, my parent's hard work gave me the foundation to study hard so that I had a chance to go to college. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What is a Community College?

A community college typically offers two years of college classes. It offers courses you can use for general education requirements. You can then transfer to a four-year university and finish your bachelor’s degree.  Look for community colleges with "University Articulation programs" which will make it easier for people who want to go to a university after starting in a community college.

Another thing community colleges do is provide adults the chance to improve their skills in a subject.  For example you can learn a special computer software or learn to weld.