A college education is an expensive but importnat investment. The best time to research college scholarships is in the freshman year of high school when you have time to plan. Learn what scholarships are available beyond need based grants. Many schools, foundations and not for profit organizations provide merit based scholarships, like performing arts, ethnic, geographic, academic or sports scholarships and more. Below are some links to various scholarship options:
Chicago Area Scholarships:
University of Chicago has a special scholarship program for Chicago Public School students who get accepted into their school. Click on the link for more information.
Scholarships to study abroad:
Studying in a foriegn country is a great way to broaden your education and there are scholarships for people interested in going out of the country to study.
Scholarships for all students including undocumented students:
Scholarships for International Students:
If you don't live in the United States, you can do some research on colleges and financial aid opportunities at EducationUSA. This service of the U.S. Department of State and the Insititute of International Education provides a lot of information. There is also a frequently updated list of financial aid opportunties and a guide to advise centers in countries around the world where you can talk to experts in person. They can help you search schools, translate information and learn about options. You should take a look at ForeignBorn.com for useful information on applying to schools, obtaining a student visa and more.